Tuesday, 26 April 2016


Meet a fresh graduate earning an income of ksh.70,000 to 80,000 on a monthly basis.

Meet Mr.Alex a fresh graduate from the university of Nairobi,he's an accountant and a teacher by profession.Despite being in that field, Alex loved being a businessman and believes this is the only way he can achieve his dreams.
"Though both my parents are employed,I used to admire those people who are in business,time freedom and the fact that I can make as much as I want and am my own boss".
 In 2015,Alex was invited to attend an online marketing business seminar in Nairobi after he came across an advert on Facebook.Back then he was still a student but he decided to grab the opportunity immediately.
"I was inspired by how young people between the age of 19-35 were achieving great results from the business'.
Alex used to work on a part time basis since he was a student.
In 2015,after the graduation ,Alex was determined to make his first million but he knew it could not happen through working as an accountant where he was offered a job earning ksh.30,000 monthly.'I hated the fact that after paying taxes,helb loan and other deductions what would hit my account every month would be ksh.22 000.I considered this little since I had big dreams wanted to achieve and I knew this could not happen if I could continue earning the same amount for the rest of my life'.
Late last year Alex decided to venture into the business full time.'The company had offered training where I got the skills to build my business,within my first month I made an income of ksh.40,000,the second month I made ksh.50,000,in my third month I made Ksh.65,000'.
 Since then Alex is able to raise his commission to an income of ksh.70,000 to 85,000 on a monthly basis. Alex is very determined to succeed,since then he has never looked back despite the expectations from the family and society as well to work as an accountant as his career.
Here's what he has to say "Don't be satisfied with the thousands you're making,you can also make a million being your own boss and achieve your dreams within a shorter period.
Here's a screen shot of his latest income.A weekly income of ksh 22,000 averaging to ksh 80,000 that's tripple the amount he could be making in a job as an accountant.if you like to get started contact Mr Yohana Emmanuel at 0713853551


Not that long ago I was serving in as a programmer, working upwards of 16+ hours a day not having the time to do what I wanted in life, I felt like I was a machine!
I’d wake up, check daily orders… and that was me set for the day! My life was ran by a piece of paper that was stuck on a wall! If I didn’t follow it I would get in trouble from my Boss, same life right?
Well, things have really changed since then and I want to share with you my story of how I went from a life of slavery in a programming Job to now spending more time with my loved ones, travelling the world, working less than a couple of hours a day with nothing but my laptop!
I’m a 27 year old guy from Kenya who wanted more from life! I wasn’t cut out for being a slave my entire life!
During my school days I always wanted to travel, I had seen pictures of all these amazing places, I had a fond taste of all these tropical locations like Kenya Highlands and game parks, South Africa, Costa Rica, The Bahamas,Dubai etc. I could picture myself in these places, chilling on the beaches of the world living the good life!
I left high School at the age 19!
I had no idea what I was going to do but wanted to travel and earn good money!
It then came into my mind that I could take programming as my carrier, I thought that I will be working online and have time to travel as I saw the kind of money programmers were earning so I decided to join it” …and so I did!
I joined a local College and went on to few universities “And deep within me I knew that my dream for travelling the world and earning good money was just in hand” well, so I thought!
Just before I graduated I got my job it was now my time to travel and earn the cash!
…Friend, was I wrong!
From that time I got my JOB I started a journey of nearly 2 years of slavery, lost  contact with my Family and Friends I worked my ass off, working from Monday to Monday,daily for 12-16 hours! I spent all the money I was earning (around Ksh 40,000/month) going out getting wasted, coz when i did so I could forget the time on the keyboard!
I HATED MY JOB (Journey Of Broke/Just Over Broke) LIFE.
It was definitely not what I expected it to be! I knew this wasn’t the way I wanted to live my life! It really sunk in one night out in Eldoret at Poa Place (November 9th 2012 to be exact)! For two years I had no savings, lost all the contacts with my friends and family, I had all the toys money could buy but I never had any JOY at all.
I realized in THAT ONE MOMENT, the direction my life was heading!
Immediately I set out on a mission to change my life, I didn’t know exactly what I was going to do, but I knew what I didn’t want to do and that was enough for me!
On 15th 11-2012 I resigned from Job-i fired my boss, informed my mum and she became totally sick for two weeks coz she wont understand how a 25 year old could retire, life was not easy for me.
I moved from a one bedroom house to a “Mabati House” all few people I turned for help were totally against me, at that moment I learned about poverty,
1. For toilet and water you need to queue and landlord keeps the keys.
2. You share everything from duster to pegs
3. Any small progress brings forth new enemies
4. People mistreat and undermine you etc
The day after, I looked online for “Ways to make money online”
I knew then that pursuing how to make money on the internet was going to be the next chapter of my life, yes I was nervous but I came across people in Nairobi who were doing it, so if they were doing it, I knew I could! So I booked for an appointment, attended my first training, paid the enrollment fee and began learning and working just by copy pasting what others were doing.
In my First month I was working more than 10 hours daily and my earnings in month one was around Ksh. 12,500, second month 25,000, third month 47,000 ,fourth around 87,000 and sixth month ksh128,000.Today the growth is amazing and working time has been reduced to 3-5 hours per day.. My journey in online marketing has not been too smooth, I have faced a lot of Rejection, received a lot of abuse and betrayal from close friends and relatives.
My advice to young people is this, to be proactive and develop less negativity, to put their view in a nice way, develop skills, have patience, persist more and Focus.”
All my growth for the past one year  at leastt 70% has been on Facebook Profile, everything I’ve earned so far is pure profit, it’s quite a feat that’s for sure, and sometimes I even impress myself! But IT IS possible!
It all changed for me once I found a paying system and a mentor.
Someone that had what I wanted! Finding a mentor is key for success if you want to make money on the internet!
Finding a mentor and having the right business system has allowed me to achieve some incredible things at my age! Like I said am making fortunes online, my next birthday am flying off to Dubai, Where I will be for for a week, need to visit Wild Wadi Water Park, Bur Dubai Abra Dock for a relaxing stroll the Emirates Towers so then after that I really have no idea! Ooh, back to Kenya to run My Business. …but that is what’s possible!
I’m now living the life I set out to when I was a little boy at school, of travelling the world and earning great money! Yes it didn’t come easy but with hard work and dedication you will be amazed of the results you can manifest into your own life!
                          “I really want to impress upon you that whatever it is you want to achieve it is possible!“
                                           Eric Khisa with his young boy in his recently acquired Home in Nairobi
I’ve done it, helped many others achieve it so I know you can too!
With Online marketing business,your location does not matter,all one needs is internet access and some level of commitment.No education level required provided you are teachable.I offenly say all you require is a DREAM.
If you are still reading to this point then I’m assuming that you too are looking for a better way of life or are ready for a massive change!
I want to share with you the system that myself and many others are using and having great success with that is allowing us to live the lifestyle of our dreams, creating better lives not only for ourselves but for our families and the people we meet along the way!
We have a huge vision to help people like you, to go on to create massive success in your life! We are a family, a group of people that are committed to helping our members create success… massive success in their lives and businesses! Ours is a life-changing opportunity you have in front of you, and one of the most supportive and caring communities you will find on the internet today!
People fail to achive their dreams because of fear.SOME fear “What if it does not work out?” while OTHERS fear”What if it works and i cannot handle it?”……You can either live your fears or your dreams
             Thats Eric story.If i can do it,you can do it too.Interested to know more and get started on this DREAM opportunity???                                                                                     contact the person who invited you to this website
                                 “You will get all you want in life if you help just enough others achieve what they want in liFE”


Welcome to SOCIAL BIZ CONNECT presentation I will share with you on how to make money online and am pretty sure by the time you are through reading this very post,you will have made your mind to make a change in your life.ENJOY.
I am a believer in dreams.One of my most favorite mentors by the name DR Myles Munroe says that the poorest man in the world is a man without dreams in life.He continues and says that the most dissapointed man in the world is the man whose dreams has not come true.To cut the long story short,Dreams act as your direction in Life thus you also need some goals and dreams to achieve in our business.Here are some of the example but as you list down your long,short and medium term goals,remember to make them SMART
Regardless of the size and the type of dream that you have,the million dollar question is here for you.REMEMBER.A GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY COMES ONCE IN A LIFETIME!
Most probably your answer was a no thus you need a new direction and thats what am about to show you.
Before i share with you the opportunity,i want you to admit that you are using ICT digital products.Also you need to admit that most jobs and business have moved online so should you
The above slide explains the reason for reduction of billlboards each day.people have started embracing technology therefore using banner adverts and other forms of Online Marketing instead.
Now lets get to the business of the day.who is Social Biz Connect?
There you have it folks.With the registration details you can do your own verifications.
To prove our legitimacy,here are top financial institutions,government and social platforms we are currently working with.All this platforms cannot partner with an illegitimate programme ie can the govnt collect taxes from illegal business?The answer is a BIG NO!That should take care of your doubts.
SBC is made up of TWO (2) Very Exciting Automated Platforms:-

The RESELLER or “BUSINESS CLUB” is a Powerful Fully Automated Ecommerce Platform offering Cutting Edge, State of the Art, High Demand Premium Advertising Services and Online Marketing Tools.

Business Club Members get UNLIMITED ACCESS to High VALUE Products as follows.

= Laser Targeted Premium Advertising 
= Ready Made Lead Capture Pages 
= Ready Made Website Templates 
= Unlimited Autoresponder System 
= Contact List Builder 
= Broadcast Manager 
= Over 140 Computer Training Videos 
= Downloadable Ebooks Library 
= SBC Network Marketing Academy

Upgrade your account to BUSINESS CLUB by paying a Tiny Subscription Fee of $40/Month VAT TAX INCLUSIVE FOR KENYANS.If you are outside Kenya you upgrade with $35.

Business Club Members can earn Monthly Commissions by referring other upgraded members
We ALLOW you to Monetize (profit) from the TRAFFIC of People (Network) that you build under you at SBC.
Members who pay $40 to UPGRADE to Business Club are called RESELLERS or CUSTOMERS because they have Bought SBC Premium Products and at the same time SBC allows you to Re-Sell our Products and Earn Commissions from the sales You make.er d members to the Business Club.

We ALLOW you to Monetize (profit) from the TRAFFIC of People (Network) that you build under you at SBC.

You EARN Commissions in TWO Main Ways 


The SBC Management has an Experience of over 10 Years in Network Marketing and Internet Marketing with Great SUCCESS.

We have used our Experience to come up with the Best ONLINE Program with the BEST Products combined with the Most Powerful Payplan.

The SBC payplan Guarantees Quick Break Even and a Quick Explosive Growth of your Income to Build a STEADY Job Replacing Residual INCOME.

A = DIRECT REFERRALS Number #1 to Number #4 
B = ODD vs EVENS (Applies to A above – Direct Referrals #1- #4) 
C = KEEPS vs PASS UPS (Applies to A above – Direct Referrals #1- #4) 
D = 5th SALE TO INFINITY (No Passups after 4th Sale) 
E = UPLINE (INVITER)- This is the person who Invited you to SBC

The Payplan is divided into TWO (2) Phases

Phase 1) Direct Referrals #1 to #4

This is the Phase where ODDS & EVENS, PASSUPS and KEEPS apply.

ODDS Sales Number 1 & 3 – You Keep them as your Direct Referrals (KEEPS)

EVENS Sales 2 & 4 will be Passed to your Upline/Inviter (PASS UPS)

NOTE 1:- It is the ACT of Passing Up a SALE that Enables You to ALSO Receive ENDLESS/UNLIMITED Passup Sales to Infinity DEPTH.

NOTE 2:- You are Only Required to Pass Up 2 ACTIVE Sales (2 & 4) for Life but You can receive unlimited passups.

Phase 2) Direct Referrals Number 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and so on to Infinity Width

The Payplan Pays its Members using TWO Powerful Ways.

This is income Generated from ALL DIRECT REFERRALS CODED TO YOU (Also Known as KEEPS)

This is income Generated from ALL Pass Ups sales that you will receive to Infinity Depth.



You will PASS UP the EVEN Sales #2 & #4. 

You will KEEP the ODD SALES Number #1 & #3.

The ODD SALES that you Keep #1 & #3 will ALSO refer 4 Sales like You DID.

Out of the 4 Sales They will Keep the ODD Sales Number #1 & #3 and They Will PASSUP TO YOU (You are the Upline) Sales Number #2 & #4.


Every Even Sale passed to you (Sales #2 & #4) will also pass to you ALL their Even Sales Number #2 & #4 and so and so forth to infinity DEPTH.

DIRECT SALES (KEEPS) #5, #6, #7, #8, #9, #10, #11 to INFINITY WIDTH

Remember that You are NOT LIMITED to Referring only 4 Sales. You can refer as many sales as you want. The more the better for you.

As You Build your SBC Business you will continue Referring more and more sales.
These Sales from Number #5, #6, #7, #8, #9, #10, #11 onwards to infinity will be your KEEPS and you will Earn $25/Monthly from them.


ALL your Direct Sales (KEEPS) from Number #5, #6, #7, #8, #9, #10, #11 onwards will EACH be Required to PASS 2 sales to you, Sales Number #2 & #4.

ALL #2 & #4 Sales Received by You (Passed Up to You) to Infinity will pay you $25 Monthly Residual income for life.

Remember you are earning $25 Monthly on ALL Passups Received to Infinity. The Passups Received are called INFINITY POWERLINE.
Thats why the $25 Bonus is referred to as “INFINITY POWERLINE BONUS”

SUMMARY:- ALL the Pass Ups You Receive will be CODED to You “AND ARE TREATED AS YOUR DIRECTS” to Create a Powerful Powerline of Sales Passing to #2 & #4 to You over and over to Infinity Depth.


Month 1
You get your 4 Sales, You pass 2 of them to Your upline. (Sales #2 & #4)
You Keep 2 Sales (Sales Number #1 & #3)

2 X $25 = $50 Monthly Income.
You Are Now In Profit and able to Renew your Monthly Subscription of $35!

Month 2
Help the 2 (#1 & #3) to get their 4 Sales.
The 2 Pass 2 Each to You (their #2 & #4) for a total of 4.
4 X $25 = $100 add the $50 from last month = $150 Monthly

Month 3
The 4 get their 4 Sales.
The 4 Pass 2 Each to You (their #2 & #4) for a total of 8.
8 X $25 = $200 Add the $150 from last month = $350 Monthly

Month 4
The 8 get their 4 Sales.
The 8 Pass 2 Each to You (their #2 & #4) for a total of 16.
16 X $25 = $400 Add the $350 from last month = $750 Monthly

Month 5
The 16 get their 4 Sales.
The 16 Pass 2 Each to You (their #2 & #4) for a total of 32.
32 X $25 = $800 Add the $750 from last month = $1,550 Monthly

Month 6
The 32 get their 4 Sales.
The 32 Pass 2 Each to You (their #2 & #4) for a total of 64.
64 X $25 = $1,600 Add the $1,550 from last month = $3,150 Monthly

Month 7
The 64 get their 4 Sales.
The 64 Pass 2 Each to You (their #2 & #4) for a total of 128.
128 X $25 = $3,200 Add the $3,150 from last month = $6,350 Monthly

Month 8
The 128 get their 4 Sales.
The 128 Pass 2 Each to You (their #2 & #4) for a total of 256.
256 X $25 = $6,400 Add the $6,350 from last month = $12,750 Monthly

Month 9
The 256 get their 4 Sales.
The 256 Pass 2 Each to You (their #2 & #4) for a total of 512.
512 X $25 = $12,800 Add the $12,750 from last month = $25,550 Monthly

Month 10
The 512 get their 4 Sales.
The 512 Pass 2 Each to You (their #2 & #4) for a total of 1,024.
1,024 X $25 = $25,600 Add the $25,550 from last month = $51,150 Monthly



Even if You Failed 90% and achieved only 10% SUCCESS after 10-24 months You Would Still Earn over $5,115 Monthly Income

SBC Business is a NUMBERS game – The more people you refer to SBC the More You can earn.

PLEASE NOTE:- Just like any Serious Business It takes an average of 12-24 Months of Well Focused SIGN UP FOR FREE Hard Work for the average person to see some tangible results with SBC Business Plan. “Power of 4” and the “10 Month Progression” are meant for illustration ONLY and NOT a Guarantee or Promise of EARNINGS or accomplishment within a set TIME FRAMES